Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Classroom Newsletter (NETS 1, 3)

This newsletter was created as an introduction for students and parents to a second grade class. It incorporates various styles in formatting, graphics, fonts, bullets, and colors. The articles are meant to inform the class about the teacher, classroom technology and projects to look forward to, and healthy eating and exercise habits!

My CSUSM iMovie (NETS 1, 2, 3)

This iMovie editing project was created in order to showcase information and video clips of CSU San Marcos. Editing the movie involved the manipulation and use of video clips, audio clips, still frames, text, film effects, and transitions.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Inspiration Map for NETS-T (NETS 2, 3)

Using Inspiration 8, I created this mind map to showcase some of my work done in Edu 422 and how it meets ISTE's standards for teachers as defined by the NETS-T. For each of the NETS there are two corresponding artifacts.

Copyright Paper (NETS 4)

This is a collaborative paper that was created using Google Docs. It discusses copyright and fair use for educators and is based on the Fair Use Harbor website.

Interactive Crossword Puzzle (NETS 1, 2)

Using an Excel spreadsheet I created this interactive crossword puzzle. When given the blank template and clue worksheets, the student can type his or her answers into the spaces. If the correct letter is typed into the first blank it is highlighted in green, if it is incorrect, it is highlighted in red.

Web 2.0 Wiki Page (NETS 1, 3, 5)

Using, a Wiki hosting website, our class created a Wiki on which to share our findings regarding useful classroom tools. After exploring the Cool Tools for Schools, I contributed a page to the Wiki that focused on Writing Fun, a tool used to help students learn different writing styles and organize their thoughts with graphic organizers.

PowerPoint Presentation on NETS-S, PK-2 Student Profiles (NETS 1, 2, 3)

This PowerPoint presentation highlights a few of the student standards for technology as determined by ISTE (grades PK-2). Within the slides you can find the standards themselves and some of my ideas on how they can be implemented in the classroom.